February 9th, 2021

Business Lessons:

Found out about VS Noticed

  • Louis finally found out about Mikes secret.
  • Hi Satoshi. Hey I notice (see that) you got a haircut. Looks nice!
  • Satoshi:  Hi Albert. I got my hair cut.

     Albert:     Yes, I found out about that from your wife yesterday when I called you.

Consecutive: one after another without a break

  • I have 4 consecutive days off.

Conversation Lessons:

Found out about VS Noticed

  • Louis finally found out about Mikes secret.
  • Hi Satoshi. Hey I notice (see that) you got a haircut. Looks nice!
  • Satoshi:  Hi Albert. I got my hair cut.

     Albert:     Yes, I found out about that from your wife yesterday when I called you.

What ever gets you through the night: whatever helps you sleep at night.

Venue: the place where something happens, especially an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event:

  • The motorcycle event was held in a venue in Kaihin Makuhari.

(be) similar to: have something in common with

  • Yoko’s new car is similar to my old Jimney.

needless to say: it is easy to see; of course

  • Mai scored high on her English test. Needless to say, she was surprised.

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