A new Family Member, Moka

Albert:   Good Morning PTC! This is Albert with today’s news. Today we have Hide here for an interview.  I recently learned that Hide’s family has a new addition to his family. Today we talk to him about  it. …….. So Hide, I hear you have a new addition to your family.

Hide:    Yes, that’s correct. Moka. She is a 7 month old Yorkshire Terrier.

Albert:   Moka? That’s is an interesting name. Who named her?

Hide:     Yes, it is Albert. We gave that task to our daughter.

Albert:   I see. Do you have any pictures of Moka?

Hide:     Yes I do. Here. This is a video of her playing in our home. She loves her toys. She is full of energy!

Albert:  Wow! So cute! How’s her appetite?

Hide:     Well, she loves to eat! We have to be careful because she eats everything!

Albert:  Yes, puppies do get into a lot of trouble. Just like kids. How about going outside?

Hide:     Well, we took her to Jonanjima Park. She had so much fun. She enjoyed running around and was so tired that she took a rest in our tent.

Albert:  Great! Our Jake loves Jonajima too. Does she sleep with your daughter?

Hide:    Well, for now she needs to sleep in her cage until she is house trained.

Albert:  I see. I guess I have only one more question. Who takes care of her?

Hide:    We all have a part in taking care of her but my wife take care of her the most. I and my daughter do most of the playing. LOL

Albert:  Sounds like you all are very busy these days. Well, thank you Hide for sharing your Moka story. Keep us up to date on her progress.

Hide:    Thank you Albert for sharing my story. See you in my next lesson.

Albert: You’re welcome Hide. Thank you for sharing. ……. So that’s it everyone. Moka is now happy with her new family. So, that’s it of today. This is PTC news, Albert saying “See you next time!”

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