From Daily Lessons: January 27th, 2021

Business Lessons:

Comments for PTC Homepage Blog/Information

  • Thank you Albert for the Daily Updates. They are very useful.
  • I read the Daily Updates for January 26th. Please explain  ……….. in more detail in my next lesson.

Conversation Lessons:

On Valentine’s Day in Japan, only women give chocolate guys. Guys don’t give chocolate to women. This is done on White Day which is Mach 14th.

Festive: relating to / looking similar to a festival. joyful, happy a festive mood

  • The house looks festive during the holidays.

Feedback: (NOT Feedbacks) I will give you some feedback on your homework next week.

Advice: (NOT advices) I will give you some advice on how to study English outside PTC.

Buy a Condo(minium), a house – Rent an apartment

*** condo: everyone is owner of building, house and apartment building = One owner

How big is it?

  • It’s 76M² (76 square meters) Good but doesn’t give the person asking, the information they want.
  • It’s a 3 bedroom Condo.
  • Live in a 4 bedroom, 3 story house with 1 and a half baths.

*** We count number of bedrooms because Kitchen, dining, living and bathrooms are standard. *** *** Number of bedrooms is most important.

Mortgage:     Ken: We have already paid off our mortgage.

                        Dave Really??? Wow! I still have 28 more years to pay off mine.

  • Some people prefer to pay someone to do it. (it = home renovation)
  • I don’t want you to get angry but ……. (bad news)
  • Please don’t be angry at me but ……

Weight/weigh:         My grandson is 14 kilograms weight.

                                    *** My grandson weighs 14 kilograms.

Usual/usually:         I usually go to the movies with my husband on Mondays.

It is usual for my husband and I to go to the movies on Mondays

Kids Lesson: No Kids Lessons today


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