February 16, 17, 2021

February 16th, 2021

Business Lessons:

  • No Business Lessons Today

Conversation Lessons:

a must: A necessity; a requirement. 

  • Completing your PTC homework is a must if you want to speak fluently.

Go / Come / Get home:  (Come here – Go there)

Go home: You are at Lazona now – tell your friend who is with you: “I have to go home at 4:00.” This means you will leave Lazona at 4:00.

Come home: You are at Lazona now – tell your spouse on the phone, who is at home: “I will come home at 4:00.” This means you will leave Lazona at 4:00.

Get/Be Home: I will get home (be home) at 4:30. This is the time you arrive at your home.

***************************************************************************************************February 17th, 2021

Business Lessons:

“More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.” – Peter Drucker

Rain check: tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later date

Naoya: Hey Albert. Would you like to go out for dinner this evening?

Albert: Mind if I take a rain check I have a late meeting this evening..

Conversation Lessons:

The positive aspects of ….. are …..

They need a better screening process for homestay families.

Almost homestay families are very very good.

Most homestay families were well off

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