Transitive VS Intransitive Part 4

Phrasal Verbs and Transitivity

Phrasal verbs can also be classified as transitive or intransitive.

  • Cindy has decided to give up sweets while she diets.
  • I hope Cindy doesn’t give up.

Give up is just one of many phrasal verbs that can be transitive or intransitive. Whether give up has an object or not will alter the meaning it conveys. The first sense of give up means “to forgo something,” whereas the second sense means “to stop trying.”

  • If we refuse to learn about transitivity, the Grammar Police will blow up our building.
  • When the Grammar Police confronted her about her verbs, she blew up.

The first sense of to blow up means to explode, whereas the second sense means “to express rage.”

Transitive or intransitive is just one of the many classifications a verb can have. Perhaps you will be inspired to read about more about the fascinating qualities of verbs.

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